"The six attitudes Of High Achiever's"
High Achievers.....
1.Make no small plans
Reflection: What this means is that do not make small plans therefore do big,huge , jumbo plans. Why you may ask well maybe because small plans do not require much thought and just very little thinking. In other words small plans are lack of effort because not much is done to be involved in it. But if it's huge plan you think about it over and over and make sure every detail in your plan is accurate. As well as appropriate and processed well that you do not fail at it maybe but work your way up towards that big plan. A small plan can be as paying attention in class yes its important but plan out more that you won't let your education be disrupted. That you will follow procedures and do all homework, classwork, come to school, come to tutoring if necessary.
Quote: "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized."-Daniel Burnham
2. Do What They Fear
Reflection: You have to get out of your comfort zone because if you fear something then that would be one motive or excuses to stop what you want to do. Fear should be a goal for you to overcome and once you overcome your fear then feel that there is many things that you can do.that are you willing to take whatever comes to it like making the people in power be against you by fearing your idea. The quote i have chose means to do one thing that scares you every day, its more of a challenge in your courage. A lot of people would go and try to reach their goal, but along the way someone tells them to give up because they don't have that potential to work in the job or industries.What they have to do is not give up and prove them wrong, and this would make them fear you. This would make them fear you because they saw how much potential you really have and this can scare them.
Quote: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."-H. P. Lovecraft
3. Are willing to prepare
Reflection: We do not like to wait and prepare for something greater, we all ways want our recompense right away instead of waiting for it to get better.
Being prepared for anything is one of the most essential key thing for survival.Its also your responsibility to be prepared for school every single day otherwise you wont be able to graduate. In the world everyone needs to be prepared otherwise we wont get far in life which is very important. Somebody who is never prepared will never strive or make in life between his/ hers career between a person that always strives and is prepared. What the quote means is if you’re wiling to sacrifice for your passion then you should be prepared with the hard working coming with it.
Quote: "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." -Confucius
4. Are willing to risk failure
Reflection: Willing to risk failure is to risk failure is important because you will not always be perfect. Life will always have it ups and downs and you have to admit to failure when you couldn’t make it right. Failure is in every person there is not a single person that has not tried a something and failed. If they say they have never failed is either because the are lying or they just have not mature enough to accept failure. This is applied everywhere, not only at school or at the work force. An example of this is if a person decides to open a business and fails. It might not be because he was not good enough for his businesses to prosper, or for it to be known, but it could be that he was afraid of letting his little business fail that he did not think about every little detail, and therefore he risked everything.In order to be successful you need to take risk if you don't then you wouldn't know weather you will or not be successful. Just like the second ways says " great achievers do what they fear." If you fear to take risks than take it.
Quote: "The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." -Mark Zuckerberg
5. Are Teachable
Reflection: Teachable being that eligible to be taught and get knowledge. Therefore someone that has the time and patience and wanting most of all to be expanded in their knowledge. Like in the picture above the BEST LEADERS are TEACHABLE which in a way is true. You have to be taught first in order to know who you want to be. If the person is not willing to be taught then how are they going to reach true success, everyone comes from being taught no one comes out of the blue knowing everything that’s why there is people to guide you and teach you for then later on you can reach the success you want.
Quote: “What I believe is that all clear-minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: Curious and teachable.” ― Roger Ebert
6. Have Heart
Reflection: Having a heart well obviously everyone has one of-course to live. Nut as in being compassionate, loving others, being kind, honest, trustworthy. Having a heart can mean so many things but to me is being compassionate, whether it be towards a stranger or someone in your family or a friend is practically having emotions. What this can be is lets say you see a homeless man and hes hungry and you have a spare lunch, or something your not going to eat, have a heart and instead of throwing it away give it to them. It could also mean be merciful; show pity, be considerate or be sympathetic.
Quote: “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”― Charles Dickens
2. Do What They Fear
Reflection: You have to get out of your comfort zone because if you fear something then that would be one motive or excuses to stop what you want to do. Fear should be a goal for you to overcome and once you overcome your fear then feel that there is many things that you can do.that are you willing to take whatever comes to it like making the people in power be against you by fearing your idea. The quote i have chose means to do one thing that scares you every day, its more of a challenge in your courage. A lot of people would go and try to reach their goal, but along the way someone tells them to give up because they don't have that potential to work in the job or industries.What they have to do is not give up and prove them wrong, and this would make them fear you. This would make them fear you because they saw how much potential you really have and this can scare them.
Quote: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."-H. P. Lovecraft
3. Are willing to prepare
Reflection: We do not like to wait and prepare for something greater, we all ways want our recompense right away instead of waiting for it to get better.
Being prepared for anything is one of the most essential key thing for survival.Its also your responsibility to be prepared for school every single day otherwise you wont be able to graduate. In the world everyone needs to be prepared otherwise we wont get far in life which is very important. Somebody who is never prepared will never strive or make in life between his/ hers career between a person that always strives and is prepared. What the quote means is if you’re wiling to sacrifice for your passion then you should be prepared with the hard working coming with it.
Quote: "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." -Confucius
4. Are willing to risk failure
Reflection: Willing to risk failure is to risk failure is important because you will not always be perfect. Life will always have it ups and downs and you have to admit to failure when you couldn’t make it right. Failure is in every person there is not a single person that has not tried a something and failed. If they say they have never failed is either because the are lying or they just have not mature enough to accept failure. This is applied everywhere, not only at school or at the work force. An example of this is if a person decides to open a business and fails. It might not be because he was not good enough for his businesses to prosper, or for it to be known, but it could be that he was afraid of letting his little business fail that he did not think about every little detail, and therefore he risked everything.In order to be successful you need to take risk if you don't then you wouldn't know weather you will or not be successful. Just like the second ways says " great achievers do what they fear." If you fear to take risks than take it.
Quote: "The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." -Mark Zuckerberg
5. Are Teachable
Reflection: Teachable being that eligible to be taught and get knowledge. Therefore someone that has the time and patience and wanting most of all to be expanded in their knowledge. Like in the picture above the BEST LEADERS are TEACHABLE which in a way is true. You have to be taught first in order to know who you want to be. If the person is not willing to be taught then how are they going to reach true success, everyone comes from being taught no one comes out of the blue knowing everything that’s why there is people to guide you and teach you for then later on you can reach the success you want.
Quote: “What I believe is that all clear-minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: Curious and teachable.” ― Roger Ebert
6. Have Heart
Reflection: Having a heart well obviously everyone has one of-course to live. Nut as in being compassionate, loving others, being kind, honest, trustworthy. Having a heart can mean so many things but to me is being compassionate, whether it be towards a stranger or someone in your family or a friend is practically having emotions. What this can be is lets say you see a homeless man and hes hungry and you have a spare lunch, or something your not going to eat, have a heart and instead of throwing it away give it to them. It could also mean be merciful; show pity, be considerate or be sympathetic.
Quote: “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”― Charles Dickens
Overall Reflection:
Overall this assignment of the 6 attitudes of High Achievers. One make no small plans In other words small plans are lack of effort because not much is done to be involved in it. But if it's huge plan you think about it over and over and make sure every detail in your plan is accurate. Two do what they fear , You have to get out of your comfort zone because if you fear something then that would be one motive or excuses to stop what you want to do. Fear should be a goal for you to overcome and once you overcome your fear then feel that there is many things that you can do.that are you willing to take whatever comes to it like making the people in power be against you by fearing your idea. Three are willing to prepare, Being prepared for anything is one of the most essential key thing for survival.Its also your responsibility to be prepared for school every single day otherwise you wont be able to graduate. Four willing to risk failure,Willing to risk failure is to risk failure is important because you will not always be perfect. Life will always have it ups and downs and you have to admit to failure when you couldn’t make it right. Five is teachable, Teachable being that eligible to be taught and get knowledge. Therefore someone that has the time and patience and wanting most of all to be expanded in their knowledge. Six have a heart, Having a heart well obviously everyone has one of-course to live. Nut as in being compassionate, loving others, being kind, honest, trustworthy. Having a heart can mean so many things but to me is being compassionate, whether it be towards a stranger or someone in your family or a friend is practically having emotions.
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