Gordon B. Hinckley
Reflection: Be grateful means that you appreciate what someone gives you. Or something that comes at you. It is a way you can say like a blessing that occurs and for eternity of course you going to be grateful for it. Grateful is whether someone give you something or something went your way. For example one way to be grateful is if your parents bought you a new phone, another way to be grateful can me as simple as waking up to a new day and being healthy being able to live one more day of your life is gratitude whether it be in you or a god you believe in. Grateful in other words is thankful or appreciation of kindness.
Quote:"Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart."-Sarah Ban Breathnach
Reflection:Being smart is in a way important in life cause you have to either book smart or street smart and if you are not either then you wont get by in life. That's why its important to pay attention in school in what they teach you because then it will impact you in whatever career you choose to go into. Everyone in the world is smart because we all have knowledge. when there is something that you don't know you are still smart its just absence of knowledge. Ignorance does not mean your are not smart, you cant be judged by what you don't know. I will apply this by doing what i have to do and do my corrections and know when i am right or wrong.
Quote:"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."-John C. Maxwell

3. Be involved in Good Works
Reflection: Be involved in good work is being active in something that benefits your or others for the well being. For example it could be being involved in helping your community to have a garden and promote healthy ways to be. Or being in an organization that helps to provide shelter or food to the homeless. It doesn't matter what your involved in as long as it has a positive outcome. Whether the outcome benefits you or others be active in it and it will benefit you maybe not now but in the future. Also as long as you feel proud of what you are doing that's great because only you know whats great for you.
Quote: "The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."-Elbert Hubbard
4. Be clean
Reflection: Be clean can mean so many things from just cleaning up your mess or after yourself. Also to have a clean mind or clear heart as in to not hold grudges and be open minded. Clean can also mean from your body therefore clean from drugs or alcohol. The meaning varies on the definition you give it and the tone or meaning behind how you use the word in context. But to me here this word means to be clean in mind why mind because when you always hold on to negative things in your head you will not be able to concentrate and to have deep thought on positive things that actually matter and benefit you in your life. Whether it be that when you go to a party and see everyone get drunk be clean and don't do the same especially if you are a minor.
Quote: "Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals." -James Naismith

5. Be True
Reflection: Being true is very important you have to be true to yourself as in you cant fake the person youre trying to be. The most important thing is that you got to be truthful to the people around you because once they realize that you were being dishonest they will not trust you again.
Quote: “A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.” - Mark Twain

6. Be Positive
Reflection: Being positive is always a good thing because it means that you understand. If something negative happened to you and you are positive then you know that things happened for a reason. you spend more energy being negative than to positive. why spend extra energy for nothing. is important because you need to be considerate of the people around you and keep off the negativity. The quote i have chosen means to keep your face in a smile and never show your shadow as in your frown. it important to keep a positive mood in life because i mean how needs a downer in a relationship or in a job. Its best to higher somebody who motivates you to do bigger and brighter things.
Quote: "If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges." -Pat Riley

7. Be Humble
Reflection: Be grateful for what you have and admit your not always perfect No matter how talented you are, there is almost always somebody who can do something better than you. Look to those who are better and consider the potential for improvement. Nobody is the best at something.Judging others causes strife in relationships, and it prevents new relationships from forming. Perhaps even worse, it prevents us from trying to improve ourselves. Everybody makes mistakes. Everything we do is a result of what many other people have done to us. It is all because of the people around us that we get shaped and become better persons at some point so that we could achieve our goals.
Quote: "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
-Norman Vincent Peale

8.Be still
Reflection: To me When you learn to be still you you have the key to to be open minded and become aware the things around you. Being still will give you the focused you need to reflect and clear your mind.. You always try your best to be a humble person and find ways to make others happy. An example of being still is, when your parent gives you something, you should appreciate it and thank him or her. The opposite of being still is if your parents works hard to give you what you want and you don't appreciate it and you wish u had something better. Be humble and appreciate. I will start being still in my everyday life by showing how much i care for everyone in my life. I wont get in fights or do drugs and do any other nonsense. When yo are humble and still you will see there is more to appreciate in life ad you will be thankful for everything you have

9. Be Prayerful
Reflection: This means when someone has belief or faith in a higher power that walks among us in a way. Like a person that's invisible or watching over you like a guardian.
5. Be True
Reflection: Being true is very important you have to be true to yourself as in you cant fake the person youre trying to be. The most important thing is that you got to be truthful to the people around you because once they realize that you were being dishonest they will not trust you again.
Quote: “A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.” - Mark Twain

6. Be Positive
Reflection: Being positive is always a good thing because it means that you understand. If something negative happened to you and you are positive then you know that things happened for a reason. you spend more energy being negative than to positive. why spend extra energy for nothing. is important because you need to be considerate of the people around you and keep off the negativity. The quote i have chosen means to keep your face in a smile and never show your shadow as in your frown. it important to keep a positive mood in life because i mean how needs a downer in a relationship or in a job. Its best to higher somebody who motivates you to do bigger and brighter things.
Quote: "If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges." -Pat Riley

7. Be Humble
Reflection: Be grateful for what you have and admit your not always perfect No matter how talented you are, there is almost always somebody who can do something better than you. Look to those who are better and consider the potential for improvement. Nobody is the best at something.Judging others causes strife in relationships, and it prevents new relationships from forming. Perhaps even worse, it prevents us from trying to improve ourselves. Everybody makes mistakes. Everything we do is a result of what many other people have done to us. It is all because of the people around us that we get shaped and become better persons at some point so that we could achieve our goals.
Quote: "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
-Norman Vincent Peale

8.Be still
Reflection: To me When you learn to be still you you have the key to to be open minded and become aware the things around you. Being still will give you the focused you need to reflect and clear your mind.. You always try your best to be a humble person and find ways to make others happy. An example of being still is, when your parent gives you something, you should appreciate it and thank him or her. The opposite of being still is if your parents works hard to give you what you want and you don't appreciate it and you wish u had something better. Be humble and appreciate. I will start being still in my everyday life by showing how much i care for everyone in my life. I wont get in fights or do drugs and do any other nonsense. When yo are humble and still you will see there is more to appreciate in life ad you will be thankful for everything you have
Quote: Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living. -Helen Keller

9. Be Prayerful
Reflection: This means when someone has belief or faith in a higher power that walks among us in a way. Like a person that's invisible or watching over you like a guardian.
I have went over 9 ways on how to be successful. 9 ways to follow in life and ways that will help me be in the right path. Started off being grateful because I believe that the things we already have are plenty that's why there's no excuse of not being happy, just be grateful that you're living and moving forward. Being smart because nothing comes easy , you gotta be a smart person willing to set goals and getting things done that will help you achieve them. We should not reject what we believe in because of others or because of what we are apart of. We should respect our beliefs and stay committed to them and not turn our back.